Higher Learning School®
Emerged From
Higher Purpose Healing®

Helping people in person is our passion, but we understand that not everyone can meet face-to-face. Higher Learning School was created to educate and support people worldwide whom we have yet to meet.

Higher Learning School offers a blend of field experience, advanced education, and results-based learning.
We uncover untaught aspects of health, providing a no-nonsense platform for learning higher forms of your natural birthright and accessing natural health solutions.

Supporting Your Life Choices
Powerful Online Health Courses
Ancient Knowledge For The Modern Mind

Empower Your Mind Health!
 Advance At Your Pace.

Higher Learning School for health education

Access anytime, from any device, at your convenience. Pick up right where you left off and continue your journey.

Expand Your Soul!
Cultivate Knowledge.

Global Health Education

Unlock incredible, in-depth courses packed with step-by-step guidance. Let us be your guide to internal peace!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The courses at Higher Learning School, taught by Matthew Ancira and Dr. Lisa Ancira, combine over twenty years of field experience and education from working with thousands of clients and patients. Our knowledge comes from extensive training with our master teacher and our developed ability to download information. All information is tested and proven to yield favorable results. We understand that each person is unique, and our education accounts for individual differences. The results will depend on each individual's effort and practice. Despite our uniqueness, there are common denominators that help everyone, and this knowledge has often been kept from us intentionally. Our higher purpose is to deliver this knowledge in manageable chunks to help you harness your own healing abilities and reprogram your mind to become the best version of yourself. If you choose to embark on this journey, you'll be in good company with us.   

Sharing experience and knowledge in person requires specific conditions to transfer information effectively to the student. For tactile disciplines like martial arts, in-person learning is essential. However, the mind can be effectively reached online with the right information and considerations. Our online courses provide everything you need as if you were learning in person. We welcome your questions and feedback, ensuring we provide the correct information for each student, helping you understand and apply the knowledge to enhance your life.

Often, the need to learn about health problems arises unexpectedly, creating a sense of urgency and fear of the unknown, which can lead to panic. Health education can seem overwhelming, especially for laypeople. To feel comfortable with your mind and body, understanding them is crucial. We have carefully identified the essential knowledge needed to establish healthy habits for the body, energy flow, immune system, nutrition, and communication within the body and in human interactions. These are preventative measures. We cover a wide range of topics and can provide information as requests come in, within our capabilities. If there isn't a course available to support you now, please fill out the form at this link so we can address your concerns.